Parents Guidelines
Dear Parents,
I am so looking forward to working with your children this upcoming academic year, and to that end have put together a few guidelines that will help to optimize the learning and fun.
Lamara Pre-School Guidelines
- Arrive on Time - We begin the day promptly at 8am with formal lessons. As per Ministry Guidelines parents must NOT come to the classroom, please wait in the reception area for your child to be collected by a member of staff.
- Afternoon Collection from School - Please wait in reception and we will bring your child to you. Please collect your child promptly at 1 pm.
- Nutrition - Well fed brains and bodies! We suggest that your child arrives having had a healthy high energy breakfast. We have one snack break during the day and students must bring sufficient nutritious food and a water bottle to school.
- Sleep - I cannot stress this enough! Tired children do not concentrate and focus. They feel irritable and stressed. Studies have shown a direct relationship between sufficient sleep and academic results. Aim for 10 hours good quality sleep per day.
- Toys from Home - Thursday is "Show and Tell Day", when your child can bring something from home to share with his or her classmates. No toys should be brought to school Sunday to Wednesday. BOOKS are an exception and can be brought any day to be read at story time. Please do not bring valuable jewellery or cash to school with your children.
- Birthday Parties – Lamara Pre-school will provide an area for birthday celebrations. Bookings must be made in writing at least one week in advance.
- Labeling of belongings – Please clearly label all your child’s personal items.
Thank you,
Lamara Pre- School