Expresses affection, empathy and sympathy to others and balances needs and rights of others and self.
Engages in positive relationships and interactions with adults involved in their learning.
Engages in positive relationships and interacts in socially appropriate manner with minimal conflict amongst peers.
Demonstrates increasing ability to self-regulate impulses/emotions and return to equilibrium after experiencing stress.
Demonstrates ability to ask for as well as offer help when needed.
Approaches to Learning
Demonstrates eagerness, curiosity and flexibility as a learner.
Developing ability and self-direction to set and follow through with goals and complete an action or task.
Joins in and co-operates with others in play and learning.
Physical Development and Health
Developing large muscle co-ordination and co-ordination through activities such as pulling, throwing, catching, kicking etc.
Developing travelling skills by using locomotors skills to maneuver in their environment and in a large group.
Participates in structured and unstructured activities.
Developing large muscle control and balancing skills through such as walking (front and backwards), skipping, running, climbing, hopping, stretching, reaching etc.
Using a variety of tools and materials to build grasp and release skills, scissor skills and ability to use thumb/forefinger in pincer grasp.
Developing eye-hand co-ordination using a variety of materials.
Developing pre-writing and drawing skills using a variety of tools.
Learning about importance of nutrition and healthy routines and how they benefit their bodies.
Demonstrates increasing ability to complete self-help/personal care tasks and life skills independently (washing hands, toileting, using eating utensils etc.)
Social Science and Knowledge
Developing understanding of their personal and family structure.
Developing awareness of their family, the community, the classroom and their responsibility in each.
Mathematical Knowledge and Skills
Developing ability to recognize numbers recite them in order and recognize that numbers represent quantities.
Uses numbers, one-to-one counting and identifying number of objects in a set, without counting them, to determine the quantity.
Developing ability to identify, predict, create and extend simple patterns.
Developing ability to measure wide variety of objects using many different attributes (weight, length, size etc.).
Developing ability to classify, compare, sort and order a wide variety of object by different attributes.
Identify basic shapes and beginning to identify their parts.
Developing understanding of co-ordination and positional language (1st, 2nd, 3rd directionally up and down) and spatial awareness (next-to on top of etc.)
Scientific Knowledge and Skills
Developing observation and enquiry skills using their senses and tools (including technology) to gather and investigate information.
Makes predictions and inferences about change in materials.
Communicates and documents information gathered using a variety of methods (drawing maps, graphs, charts and through discussion).
Developing knowledge of science concepts through exploration of the different sciences (life science, physical science, environmental science, technological science.
Creative Arts
Visual arts: uses a variety of materials to make art creations to reflect thoughts, feelings, experience or knowledge.
Drama: participates in dramatic play using creativity, imagination and objects/props to express themselves.
Dance and movement: participates in expressive dancing and movement activities.
Music: participates in music through activities by listening, performing, singing or using musical instruments.
Language and literacy Development
Understands and follows at least 2-3 step instructions.
Uses increasingly complex and varied vocabulary, grammar and syntax in conversation and storytelling.
Speech is clear and understood by others.
Developing awareness of print (in books and environment)and recognizes that print conveys meaning (recognizing own name).
Recognizes how books are read (front to back one page at a time) and characteristics of books (title, author, and illustrator).
Listens to and describes items/actions in books.
Notices and discriminates sounds of language (rhyme, alliteration etc.) and that letters have distinct sounds associated with them (such as beginning and/or ending sounds.
Recognizes and identifies letters of the alphabet.
Demonstrates increased emergent writing skills such as controlled scribbles, basic shapes, letter like marks etc.